Link Roundup: Broad City, Stupid Movies & More

The Annual


Emily Perper

If Stanley Tucci Were Your Boyfriendyou would own a good cheese knife. Nothing pretentious. You wouldn’t need a whole set. Just one. But it would be perfect, and you would never have trouble sliding Camembert pieces off of it. You would be the kind of person who invests in small, good, useful things. You would treat yourself with compassion, and you would never eat Cheetos in the shower.

Jazmine Hughes investigates How Many White People Does It Take To Ruin a Good Joke? White folks tend to punch sideways–especially cis white dude comedians–because they’re the epitome of privilege.

What the Hell is Mortdecai? Y’all, this is the funniest fucking review I’ve ever read. It is bookmarked so I can read it when I feel sad or disturbed or in any way upset.

If you somehow missed this excellent profile of the Broad City badasses

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About That Time I Was On The Today Show…

IMG_4931So the Today Show happened today… yea that Today Show!!!!! Honestly I can’t even say if making an appearance on the Today Show is even on my bucket list because it’s just so beyond anything I could have ever imagined. I was honored when the show asked me to come on and represent YouTube creators as part of their Valentine’s themed What’s Clickin’ segment. Obviously, yes!!!! I made my way down to Rockefeller Plaza and had a grand time getting crafty with Natalie, Tamron, Willie and of course my weather man hero, Al Roker! (Seriously Al!!!!!!!!)

Click here to watch the segment. Honestly, the. best. day. I just had to share! xo

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If I Had a Dollar (Why I Am a Feminist)

girl in the hat

image courtesy Devil Doll image courtesy Devil Doll

Because my mother was a painter and a beauty when artists had patrons and a woman like that needed a man to take care of her, so she married a money man.

Because my mother’s mother was a beauty and her mother was, too, and that’s what people said: “She was a beautiful woman,” as if that was the only remarkable thing.

Because I was born in 1966, the year Betty Friedan and others started the National Organization of Women and challenged an industry which required flight attendants to quit if they got married, pregnant, or reached the age of 32.

Because when my mother had me, she stopped painting and started cleaning house and throwing dinner parties and smoking too many cigarettes and crying in the mirror.

Because my mother never told me that I looked pretty because she did not want me to grow…

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News from the Book Multiverse

Some of these I know I’ve got to check out!


Hello BookPeople Nation! What’s new in the vasty, star-spangly, ink-and-papery book multiverse? I’m so glad you asked!


A first edition of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of the Specieshas been sold for an amazing 26,000 pounds (approximately 40,000 dollars).

Author Jhumpa Lahiri has won the DSC Award for South Asian fiction for her recent novel, The Lowland. DSC judge Keki N Daruwalla described The Lowland as “a superb novel written in restrained prose with moments of true lyricism” written “by a writer at the height of her powers”.

The longlist for the 2015 International Prize for Arabic Fiction was released on January 12th, and includes five women writers out of a total of sixteen. With the exception of 2011, there have been an average of only one or two women writers on the list in previous years.

Salman Rushie will release a new novel this fall, entitled Two Years…

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DIY: Glitter Ombre Heels… Because YASSSSS!

Omg! So cute, so glam. I have to try these!

I’d like to dedicate today’s video to all my friend in the Northeast region of the US celebrating their Tuesday with a SNOW DAY!!!! I don’t envy the cold weather, but I do wish I was forced to stay in my house today and spend hours watching TV. Ahhhhhhhh we can all dream. I hope you’re all staying warm and safe. If you’re looking for something to do… I’ve got two minutes of your day covered. Click here to enjoy this designer inspired glitter ombre heels tutorial. Enjoy!!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the Miss Kris channel (here) and follow me on Instagram (here). Hopefully if you really are stuck inside today, I can spend some time entertaining you! xo

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